- Do you have a new online storefront or website that you’d like to announce to the World Wide Web?
- Do you want to increase your search engine visibility while at the same time sparking interest in your products and/or services?
- One of the best ways to jump start your business is to have a search engine optimized press release created for you and distributed on one of the Web’s industry leaders in press release distribution. This press release will help the search engines find your website and crawl its contents
Let our professional online text writers go to work for you. Once you respond to our questionnaire, they will research your website thoroughly and then write a professional, intriguing press release that will show how your presence on the web is newsworthy. Watch as the press release is viewed over and over and it gets picked up by news sources and other sources. Word spreads fast, so take advantage of this service today!
Search Engine Optimized Press Release
- Professionally researched, written, edited and optimized for the search engines.
- Google News and MSN News Inclusion
- Distributed by PRWeb, a leader in press release distribution
- RSS/XML Inclusion
- Press Release will be published within up to 10 industry categories
- Includes product images from your storefront
- Will be promoted via paid search engine inclusion via Overture
- Statistics reporting sent at 1 week
- Yahoo News inclusion
- Guaranteed page one placement on PRWeb.com
- Google News Image
Web Site Press Release Details
Same Day Distribution
Once your release is optimized (2-5 business days), it can be out on the web and featured on various news sites quickly.
Google News and MSN News Inclusion
Your press release will be automatically included in both Google News and MSN News for better visibility on the Web.
PR Web and eMediawire Distribution
Your press release will be archived online to enhance staying power and the ability to be found through a search.
Journalists and analysts receive these press releases in distribution.
RSS/XML Inclusion
These feeds are very important because they are delivered to thousands of destinations.
Up to 10 Industry Targets
These will be picked for you by a professional or chosen based upon your recommendations.
Attached Images and Multimedia Files
- Feature a product that is mentioned in the release.
- Attachments must be in .jpeg or .gif file format.
- Attachments must be under 3mg (total of all images files).
Paid Search Engine Inclusion (Overture)
Overture is a Yahoo service that helps get you submitted into a number of other websites – your story will be in Overture for 3-4 week period.
- Statistics will assist you in knowing how many reads a press release has had, the number of times that the media has picked it up, and the number of times it was printed.
- We will send you one round of statistics approximately one week after your press release was released on the web.
Yahoo News Inclusion
PRWeb is the only wire service with three different methods for placing your press releases into the Yahoo News system. Besides feeding press releases directly into the Yahoo News search through our network feed, we can inject your press release directly into the press releases section of the Yahoo News site.
Guaranteed Page One Placement
When it is first distributed, your press release will appear on the first page of PrWeb.com.
Google News Image
When your press release is picked up by Google News, the image that is used will appear directly next to the release, increasing the interest level of your listing.