Facebook Marketing Services

Reach millions of Facebook users now!

Grow Your Business Faster!

We help companies to get more leads and make more money from their websites since 1998!...

- Smart Facebook marketing tactics
- High performance, low cost campaigns
- Quickly expand your business

More than 500 million people use Facebook regularly, about 250 million of whom access it repeatedly from their mobile devices throughout the day. If you run a business, the face of your business must be on Facebook. It is a key Internet marketing method for solidifying and enhancing your customer relationships, and it can lead to more leads when your fans share your posts, videos and images with their friends and family. 

If you already have your business page there, but are unsatisfied with how much traffic and response it has gotten so far, but you don’t have time to worry about it because you’re busy running your business, Affordable Web Design can help you get the more of your Facebook business page with our Facebook marketing services.

Facebook Marketing & Advertising Strategy


Getting the most out of your Facebook business page means planning a marketing strategy that specifically takes advantage of Facebook as a marketing tool. Facebook users have different expectations of your marketing page than they have of other marketing formats. It needs to be conversational, relationship-based and not overly pushy, while addressing needs that your customers may be thinking about while they’re perusing their news feed.

Facebook Marketing Services
Starts with a Custom Facebook Page Design


Facebook has positioned itself as a very visual media, and images and videos get far more traction there than simple text posts. A picture conveys 1000 words, so our Facebook marketing services team can help you get the most out of that prime real estate of the banner photo and your profile photo, as well as other photographic and video elements you may want to share.

Facebook Contests, Sweepstakes and Giveaways


With Facebook marketing services, it’s all about the relationship and what’s in it for your customers. A contest, giveaway or sweepstakes, especially when it’s accessible via mobile devices, can really ramp up the interest and improve the engagement level you have with your customers. Talk with our Facebook marketing services team to brainstorm exciting ways to generate more engagement between you and your customers on Facebook!

Facebook Like Boosting and Email Capture


Facebook is just one aspect of a well-rounded Internet marketing campaign. The crux of it should be to boost your visibility through likes, and also to build more pathways to engage your customers in other formats like email marketing (still a very useful tool) and bringing them to your actual website where you can actually make sales. Our Facebook marketing services can help here too.

Facebook Advertising: Online Media Buying and Management

One thing that frustrates many small businesses about Facebook is that their posts don’t readily show up in their customers’ newsfeeds. There is a lot of mystery behind the algorithms Facebook uses to determine what shows up in newsfeeds, so sometimes you need to take direct action and purchase an ad or two—but the strategy has to work so you get the most traction out of your media dollars. We can help.

Facebook Engagement and Posting

When it comes to any kind of online marketing, it’s all about engagement. Facebook users are becoming more wary of “click bait” schemes that entice them to click without explaining what they’re clicking on. They want you to engage with them by presenting something relevant and useful to their lives. We can help you strike the right balance.

Facebook Lead Generation

Engaging your Facebook fans in positive ways, can help you build leads when they share your interesting videos, posts and images with their friends and family. While viral posts are generally an unpredictable fluke, posts that can engage and help your target audience to the extent that they want to share your message with their friends and family are within reach.

Facebook Ecommerce

While you can’t really conduct actual sales transactions over Facebook itself, we can help you figure out ways to channel our Facebook marketing services can help you find ways to channel likes, shares and traffic from Facebook to sales from your own ecommerce website.

It takes time and expertise to get a Facebook business page to really work for you, but if you’re like most business owners, you already have a lot on your plate.

Subscribe online below or contact us today to get our social media marketing experts on the job with our Facebook marketing services: (703) 335-1819.

with a Certified SEO

* We help companies to get more clients and make more money from their web sites since 1998!..

We help companies to get more clients from their web sites since 1998!